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Selectmen Minutes 03/23/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 23, 2010

Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, and Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Donna Chagnon,  John Martell, Matt Cole, Ed Millette, Alan Quimby, Kris Cole, Thomas Houle, Lucille Noel, Alan Mayville, Steve Stock, Walter Sanborn, Barbara Frangione

Selectman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  
Steve Stock
Mr. Stock was asked to provide recommendations for additional wardens.  He recommends the following:
Alan Quimby; Ed Millette; Mike Paveglio; and Paul Sanborn.
Mr. DeBold was concerned that by doubling the number of deputies it may raise the cost to people who receive a fire bill for an illegal burn and to the Town.  Mr. Stock explained that the additional cost to the Town would be nominal.  It would be 4 hours of training pay for each new deputy plus mileage for the training, half of which is received back from the State.  Mr. Stock also explained that both he and the Fire Department would use good judgement with regard to personnel response. Adding the additional Deputies will make it easier for a resident to get a burn permit.  Residents can find a list of deputies and their contact information on the Website, at the Fire House, and at the Town Hall.
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend to the State of New Hampshire Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Mike Paveglio and Paul Sanborn as Deputy Fire Wardens for the Town of Chichester. Motion passes.
Steve Stock will forward the recommendation paperwork to the Selectmen for signing.
Steve Stock provided the Selectmen with a blank copy of the burn permit application, which was reviewed.  Mr. Stock wanted to clarity with the Selectmen what the guidelines should be for charging and collecting illegal burns.  Mr. Stock will give someone three verbal warnings to extinguish the burn prior to ordering it extinguished by the Fire Department.  Some past suggestions were reviewed.  It was agreed that Warden Stock would prepare a bill, but the billing and correspondence would come from the Selectmen.  
Warden Stock will work on drafting up guidelines for the Board to review.
Mr. Paveglio wanted to mention that the Warden and Deputies are actually working for the State when they are at a fire and if the Town/Selectmen receive a personnel complaint they should refer it to the State.

Other Business
Appointments: It was decided that Richard DeBold would serve on the Road Advisory Commission and the BCEP; Jeff Jordan would serve on the Planning Board and the Agricultural Commission; Mike Paveglio would serve on the ZBA and the Heritage Commission.  The following list was presented for reappointment.
John Martell – Emergency Management Director 2011
Mark McIntosh – ZBA member 2013
Stephen MacCleery Sr. – ZBA alternate member 2013
Donna Stockman – Welfare Coordinator 2011
Richard Arell – Planning Board Member 2013
Bette Bogdan – Heritage Commission Member 2013
Lucille Noel – Heritage Commission Member 2011
Dawn Marshall – Heritage Commission Member 2011; Conservation Commission Member 2013
Barbara Frangione – Heritage Commission Member 2012
Michele Plunkett – Heritage Commission Member 2013
Richard Moore – CIP 2011
Douglas Hall – CIP 2011
Matthew Cole – CIP 2011
Brian Boyer – CIP 2011
Donna Chagnon – Food Pantry Coordinator 2011
Jason Wier – Budget Committee Member 2013
John Martell – Budget Committee Member 2013
Paul Adams – BCEP Budget Committee Member 2011

Mike Paveglio made a motion seconded by Jeff Jordan to nominate the above list for appointment.  Motion passes.

Fire Department:  Mike Paveglio researched the issue of the flooding and discovered that the tank needs to be pumped out.
Alan responded to Mike Paveglio via email regarding the questions from last week’s meeting about our agreement with Loudon.  It was basically a gentlemen’s agreement between Gil Vien and the Loudon Chief.  Mr. Paveglio said he has an issue with the fact that this is the first time the department is hearing about the agreement.  With such a major decision he feels the department should have had input.  Also, the original agreement was between Selectmen and any further agreements/changes should have gone through the Selectmen.  Nancy will look for original agreement for review.  
Mr. Quimby reports that the email is working fine now.   Mr. Paveglio would like Nancy to schedule Mike Dodge (our IT professional) at a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss security on the computers.

Highway:  Mr. Plunkett dropped off the information he was given when he took over as Road Agent.  He alleges there were additional files on the computer that were deleted the day after he was elected.  There was documentation in the file that read not to plow the circle on Hilliard Road because the Town does not own it.  Nancy will forward a copy to Jason Wier as requested.
Jim Plunkett provided an explanation as to why the circle on Hilliard Road was not graded (see minutes form 3/16/2010).  The circle had branches and debris on it and the employee who was grading did not want to grade that material into the road.  The Highway Department has now removed that debris and raked the circle.

Police Drug Forfeiture Fund:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to expend $2,482.44 from the Police Drug Forfeiture Fund to pay the SOU dues.  Motion passes.

Fuat Ari:  Nancy will contact Fuat Ari and ask him to attend next weeks meeting to discuss his driveway issue.

Grange Hall Rental:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mike Paveglio to waive the Grange Hall Rental fee in honor of Ernest Randall’s memorial service.  Motion passed.

Lyons Club:  It was pointed out to Nancy that in last weeks minutes the donation to the Food Pantry was recorded as being from the Fire Fighters Association and it should have been from the Fire Fighters Association and the Lyons Club.  Thank you Fire Fighters Association and Lyons Club.

EMD: It was decided that the Emergency Management Director would appoint his own Deputy.

Police:  Mr. Paveglio wanted to mention that our Police Department made a significant arrest this week.  Outstanding job Chief Clark.

Activity Reports:  Mr. Paveglio would like to see activity reports from all departments in writing and put in the Suncook Sun.

Fire/Rescue:  The Fire and Rescue call volume was discussed.  The department is light on personnel during the day during the work week.  Walter Sanborn thinks we may have to hire full-time personnel.  
Seven members took part in a live burn in Allenstown.

Grange Hall Roof:  Nancy will continue to solicit quotes.

Census:  It was brought to the Town Administrator’s attention that some residents of Chichester received Census forms listing Epsom in the address.  Nancy called the Regional Office of the Census Bureau and was told that was due to a cost saving measure and an agreement with the Postal Service.  However, Nancy was assured that the bar code on the census forms is what identifies the address as Chichester.  Chichester will receive the proper credit.  

 Selectmen’s Meeting Procedures:  There was a follow-up discussion on how to handle concerns during the public meeting.  It was suggested that the Selectmen hear off-agenda items about Town practices or procedures, but not a personal complaint about an employee.  These types of complaints need to be scheduled so that all parties can be present during the discussion.  Nancy will look at what other Town’s do and come up with some suggested procedures for the meetings.  

Building Inspector Position:   Nancy will schedule interviews for five candidates next Tuesday night.  Nancy will also run the advertisement in the Suncook Sun.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

The minutes from March 16, 2010 were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
    Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman   Richard DeBold                                    D. Michael Paveglio